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Rolul vitaminelor in homeostazia corpului uman Clinica Oftalmologica Dr. Munteanu

Maintaining condition and eye health should focus on measures to preventive measures. Regular eye check-ups, not just when a disturbing eye problem occurs, should be complemented by a healthy diet. healthy lifestyle. Each of us should realize how important of proactive healthy nutritional habits. According to a survey conducted in the United States in 2017, about 76 % of adults take dietary supplements. In Romania, awareness of the need to improve diet diet with various dietary supplements is extremely low. This aspect contributes to the increasingly impaired health of our country's population.

“Mens sana in corpore sano”

Ochii sunt organe complexe care fac parte din sistemul nervos senzorial. Ei au nevoie de numeroase vitamine și nutrienți pentru a funcționa normal. Afecțiunile comune, cum ar fi retinopatia diabetică, degenerescenșa maculară legată de vârstă, glaucomul și cataracta pot duce la pierderea vederii. Deși o varietate de factori diferiți provoacă aceste afecțiuni, nutriția pare să aibă o influență semnificativă asupra debutului și evoluției acestor boli. Studiile au demonstrat ca numeroase vitamine și nutrienți ajută la menținerea sănătății ochilor.

vitaminele si impactul lor asupra sanatatii ochilor, oftalmologie

Vitaminele și impactul lor asupra sănătății ochilor

Vitamin A

Joacă un rol crucial în procesul vederii prin menținerea unei corneei clare. Această vitamină este, de asemenea, o componentă a rodopsinei, o proteină extrem de importantă pentru vedere în condiții de lumină scăzută. Deficitul sever de vitamina A poate determina xeroftalmie, o afecțiune gravă care poate duce la orbire. În unele studii, cantități mari de aport de vitamina A au fost asociate cu un risc redus de cataractă și degenerare maculară legată de vârstă. De asemenea deficitul de vitamina A contribuie la apariția sindromului de ochi uscat.

Vitamin B

Researchers also studied several B vitamins for their impact on eye health, especially vitamins B6, B9 and B12. of vitamins B6, B9 and B12 can lower levels of homocysteine, a protein in body, which may be associated with inflammation and an increased risk of development of age-related macular degeneration.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

Thiamine plays a role in the proper functioning of cells and the transformation food into energy. Scientific research suggests that vitamin B1 reduces the risk of cataracts.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Another B vitamin associated with eye health is riboflavin. Prolonged riboflavin deficiency can accelerate the appearance of cataracts. As an antioxidant, riboflavin can protect against free radicals free radicals in the eye. Diets high in riboflavin have been associated with a reduced risk of developing cataracts.

Niacin (vitamin B3)

Recent studies have suggested that niacin may play a role in preventing glaucoma, a condition in which the optic nerve is damaged. Then when consumed in high amounts of 1.5-5 grams per day, niacin can have adverse effects on the eyes, including blurred vision, impaired macular damage and inflammation of the cornea. Studies suggest that niacin may prevent the development of glaucoma, but supplements should be used with caution.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can protect your eyes against harmful free radicals. Vitamin C contributes to the formation of collagen, a protein that gives structure to the eyes. Studies suggest that this vitamin may help delay the onset of the onset of cataracts and may help prevent the progression of cataracts. age-related macular degeneration.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is mainly known for its role important role it plays in the functioning of the osteo-articular system. Studies also show its involvement in the pathophysiological mechanism of diseases autoimmune diseases. In the context of recent findings on the importance of of this vitamin, emphasis is placed on its antiproliferative role in retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, retinopathy diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular occlusions as well as its involvement in reducing the rate of myopia progression.

Vitamin E

Many eye diseases are associated with oxidative stress, which is an imbalance between antioxidants and free radicals. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells - including the cells - from the damaging effect of free radicals. Scientific research has shown that vitamin E intake reduces the risk of developing degenerative disease macular degeneration.

Lutein and zeaxanthin

Acestea fac parte din familia carotenoidelor, un grup de compuși benefici sintetizați de plante. Ambele aceste carotenoide pot fi găsite în macula și retină, unde ajută la filtrarea luminii albastre potențial dăunătoare. Mai multe studii sugerează că acești compuși vegetali pot preveni aparitia cataractei și pot preveni sau încetini progresia degenerescenței maculare legate de vârstă.


Face parte din grupul carotenoidelor, inhibă capacitatea radicalilor liberi de a deteriora materialul genetic și țesutul celular. Este cel mai puternic antioxidant din lume, studiile au demonstrat că astaxantina naturală este de 6.000 de ori mai puternică decât vitamina C, de 770 de ori mai puternică decât Coenzima Q10, de 100 de ori mai puternică decât vitamina E și de cinci ori mai puternică decât β-carotenul. Proprietățile anti-îmbătrânire ale Astaxantinului se văd pe piele, pe sistemul imunitar precum și asupra vederii. Astaxantina reduce oboseala ochilor, îmbunătățește procedusl de acomodatie (focalizarea) ochilor și are un efect antioxidant protector.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Sunt un tip de grăsimi polinesaturate. Membranele celulare ale retinei conțin o concentrație ridicată de DHA, un anumit tip de omega-3. Pe lângă faptul că ajută la formarea celulelor ochiului, grăsimile omega-3 au proprietăți antiinflamatorii care pot juca un rol în prevenirea retinopatiei diabetice. Grăsimile Omega-3 contribuie la stimularea secreției de lacrimi, fiind un tratament adjuvant în sindromul de ochi uscat.

Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 is an important nutrient for protecting health eyes and the whole body. Because production of this antioxidant decreases with age, it is important to increase CoQ10 intake. There are a number growing evidence supporting the beneficial effect of CoQ10 in protecting neuroretinal cells from oxidative damage. CoQ10 may be involved in prevention of glaucoma and retinal degenerative diseases.


Turmeric (diferuloylmethane) is the main curcuminoid of popular turmeric. Over the past 50 years, in vitro and in vivo experiments have supported the main role of polyphenols and curcumin for the prevention and treatment of many inflammatory diseases and various tumour pathologies. It has been turmenic has been shown to have beneficial effects on several eye diseases, such as chronic anterior uveitis, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration and dry eye syndrome.

Collagen - collagen hydrolysate

Collagen is the most important structural protein of tissues of our body. Our body is made up of 15 - 20% of collagen. These organs and tissues are particularly rich in collagen: skin, bones, tendons, cartilage, arteries, veins, lungs, eyes, nails and hair. The health of these organs and tissues depends on the supply of an adequate amount of collagen hydrolysate.

Scientific research has found that the alteration of fibres collagen fibres influences the development of myopia by producing a thinning sclera. Moreover, thinning of the sclera around the optic nerve is an additional biomechanical factor leading to increased susceptibility to glaucoma. The mechanism of development of open-angle glaucoma is incompletely understood elucidated. Researchers have hypothesised that glaucoma is a disease associated with pathological changes in ultrastructure and metabolism collagen. Alteration of collagen in the tissues of the humoral pathway in the eye leads to increased intraocular pressure. Some changes in ocular collagen may occur before the development of glaucoma or glaucomatous optic neuropathy.

Also, oral administration of collagen hydrolysate stimulates hair and nail growth. The elasticity, structure and moisturising of the skin is improved and the connective tissue is strengthened. The result smoother, more elastic skin with fewer wrinkles. Studies have showed an improvement in hydration with 28% and a significant reduction in wrinkles with 26% compared to placebo if 10 g collagen hydrolysate is administered daily for eight weeks. In overall, the appearance of the skin is significantly improved and the skin ageing process slows down. The effect of botulinum toxin injection is immediate and miraculous on wrinkles, but it is transient. Combination with our collagen hydrolysate-based product increases the period of action and results. of the botulinum toxin injection, by this combination it acts concomitantly from inside the skin as well as from the outside.


Resverarolul, un polifenol natural care se găsește în struguri, este principalul component biologic activ în vinul roșu. Studiile clinice au arătat că resveratrolul datorită proprietăților sale anti-oxidante și antiinflamatorii are efecte cardio-protectoare, chimioterapeutice, neuroprotectoare și anti-îmbătrânire. Stresul oxidativ și inflamația joacă un rol esențial în inițierea și progresia anumitor bolilor oculare (glaucom, cataractă, retinopatie diabetică și degenerescenta maculară legata de varsta) care duc la pierderea progresivă a vederii pana la orbire. Studiile experimentale în vitro și în vivo au furnizat dovezi legate de efectele biologice ale resveratrolului pe numeroase căi, inclusiv stres oxidativ, inflamație, disfuncție mitocondrială, apoptoză, angiogeneză care sunt implicate în patogeneza bolilor oculare legate de vârstă.


Scientific research suggests that certain vitamins and nutrients may help prevent or slow the progression of several diseases eye diseases.

However, it is often very difficult to consume the necessary amounts of vitamins and nutrients for good health. and prevent certain eye diseases. This is why it is recommended supplementing the daily diet with various food supplements. Not all products on the market are suitable, the recommendation should be made by your doctor. and the product must be carefully selected so that the extracts contained in the product are natural and the method of manufacture is as accurate as possible.

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Dr Alexandra Preda

Specialist ophthalmologist

Head of Department University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babeș" Timișoara

From 30 years with our patients!

Each patient, each diagnosis has brought us closer and closer to performance! The medical team, carefully coordinated by Prof. Dr. Munteanu, is proud to offer the best ophthalmological services.

Dr. Munteanu