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Investigații Clinica Oftalmologica Dr. Munteanu

Investigații oftalmologice în cadrul Centrului Oftalmologic Prof.Dr. Munteanu

Prof. Dr. Munteanu Ophthalmological Centre offers you a wide range of functional explorations using state-of-the-art equipment.

Cu o acuitate vizuală crescută, fiecare persoană poate vedea lumea într-un mod mult mai clar și mai detaliat. Însă, uneori, probleme de vedere pot afecta acuitatea vizuală, permițând astfel doar o vedere neclară și încețoșată. La Centrul Oftalmologic Prof. Dr. Munteanu, echipa noastră de specialiști experimentați în domeniu vă oferă o gamă largă de intervenții chirurgicale și non-chirurgicale pentru îmbunătățirea acuității vizuale și tratamentul problemelor de vedere.

Corecția optică poate fi necesară atunci când aveți dificultăți în a vedea clar din cauza problemelor de refracție, cum ar fi miopia, hipermetropia sau astigmatismul. La Centrul Oftalmologic Prof. Dr. Munteanu vă oferim o gamă completă de opțiuni de corecție optică, inclusiv lentile de contact, ochelari, precum și proceduri chirurgicale avansate, cum ar fi chirurgia cu laser. Indiferent de opțiunea aleasă, primiți tratament personalizat și de înaltă calitate, pentru cel mai bun rezultat posibil.

aparatura ultramoderna la Centrul Oftalmologic Prof. Dr. Munteanu din Timisoara

aparatura ultramoderna la Centrul Oftalmologic Prof. Dr. Munteanu din Timisoara



Angiofluorography is an ophthalmological investigation that highlights the permeability of the retinal and choroidal vessels. It is an easy procedure to perform and consists of intravenous injection of florescein (the contrast substance) which spreads into the general blood circulation. A specialised camera using a blue light is used to take retinal photographs. Because of the adverse effects that the contrast substance can cause, the procedure is performed under the supervision of an anaesthetist. Angiofluorography is particularly useful in the differentiation of intraocular tumours, in establishing the diagnosis of certainty and therapeutic management in various retinal pathologies.

Ocular ultrasound

Ocular ultrasound is an imaging method used in the diagnosis and follow-up of certain ocular conditions such as: retinal detachment, vitreous haemorrhage, posterior vitreous detachments, intraocular tumours, intraocular foreign bodies.

High-frequency ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM)

Ultrasonic biomicroscopy is a non-invasive procedure provides high-resolution in vivo imaging of the anterior segment of the eyeball. Compared to conventional A- or B-mode ultrasound (10 MHz), UBM uses a much higher frequency transducer (35-100 MHz). UBM is a useful tool for assessing narrow or closed anterior chamber angles and ciliary body pathology, representing a key investigation for the diagnosis of ciliary body tumours.

Optical coherence tomography

Optical coherence tomography is an imaging technique that uses low-intensity light to capture micrometre-resolution images, thereby obtaining high-resolution 3D images of the structure of the retina and optic nerve. It is recommended in the diagnosis and monitoring of several ocular pathologies: glaucoma (provides information on both iridocorneal angle and ganglion cell and optic nerve parameters), age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, macular hole, macular oedema of various aetiologies, optic neuropathies, ocular trauma.


Retinophotography is an investigation that takes images of the fundus and reveals details of the retinal vasculature and optic nerve. It can be performed either with or without pupil dilation.

Corneal topography Scheimflug

Corneal topographyă Scheimflug provides a three-dimensional image of the anterior segment. This technology provides data on the shape and curvature of the anterior and posterior surfaces of the cornea, pachymetric mapping, total refractive power of the cornea and anterior segment biometry. For the refractive surgery subspecialty, this technique improves the ability to identify cases at risk of ectatic disease, as well as planning and evaluating the outcomes of surgical procedures. It is used in the following pathologies: keratoconus, conretinal anomalies of various causes, refractive surgery and for biometry calculation.

Field of vision (perimetry)

Câmpul vizual (perimetria). Field of vision testing is done using devices called perimeters. These perimeters can be manual or computerised. Conditions where visual field testing is recommended include glaucoma, neurological conditions and some retinal conditions. The gold standard in computerized perimetry is held by the Humphrey machine from Zeiss, a machine owned by our clinic.


Biometrics is the method of calculating the strength of the artificial lens to be implanted in the patient's eye during cataract surgery or refractive surgery with lens implantation. There are two forms of biometry, contact and non-contact (optical).

Optical biometry is the current standard for intraocular lens power calculations. Optical biometry is a highly accurate non-invasive automated method for measuring anatomical features of the eye. In our clinic there is equipment for contact and non-contact biometry determination, as in some cases of hypermature cataract optical biometry cannot be used.

From 30 years with our patients!

Each patient, each diagnosis has brought us closer and closer to performance! The medical team, carefully coordinated by Prof. Dr. Munteanu, is proud to offer the best ophthalmological services.

Dr. Munteanu