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Proceduri medicale Clinica Oftalmologica Dr. Munteanu

Proceduri medicale în cadrul Centrului Oftalmologic Profesor Doctor Munteanu

Intraocular injections. Injecții intravitreene cu diversi agenți anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). Reprezintă tratamentul de elecție în edemul macular de diferite cauze. Cel mai frecvent sunt folosite în retinopatia diabetică, ocluzile vasculare retiniene, degenerescența maculară legată de vârstă forma umedă.

Intravitreal cortisone injections are used alone or in combination with anti-VEGF for the treatment of uveitis, vascular occlusions, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy.

Botulinum toxin injection. Botulinum toxin injection is an effective and safe treatment used to treat fine, expression and deep wrinkles. The procedure takes between 5 and 10 minutes, the effects are visible after a few days and last on average 6 months. In our clinic you can benefit from this medical service to achieve a rejuvenated and relaxed aesthetic appearance.

Tear duct lavage. It is performed with topical anaesthesia and involves inserting a blunt-tipped tear duct through the tear point in the upper or lower eyelid, attached to a syringe containing saline or various therapeutic substances. The procedure is used to check the patency of the tear ducts, as well as for its removal. It can be performed both on infants, who frequently have hyperlachrymation or purulent secretions, and on adults.

Therapeutic lens application. The doctor will decide to apply the therapeutic contact lens in cases of corneal erosions, or a corneal epithelialisation defect.

Conjunctival or corneal foreign body extraction. Se efectueaza sub anestezie locala, la biomicroscop.

Removal of eyelid, conjunctival or corneo-scleral sutures. It is performed under the operating microscope or biomicroscope, requires local anesthesia.

Extraction of conjunctival limestone concretions. The callus concretions are very upsetting for the patient, who constantly feels a foreign body sensation. They take the form of whitish granules, arranged superficially in the conjunctiva. Treatment involves their extraction under topical anaesthesia and local treatment.

From 30 years with our patients!

Each patient, each diagnosis has brought us closer and closer to performance! The medical team, carefully coordinated by Prof. Dr. Munteanu, is proud to offer the best ophthalmological services.

Dr. Munteanu