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Miodezopsii Clinica Oftalmologica Dr. Munteanu

Myosinopes - what are they and how are they treated?

Miodezopsiile sunt caracterizate de apariția unor pete sau puncte negre în câmpul vizual. Cauzele apariției miodezopsiilor pot varia, de la îmbătrânirea ochiului și descompunerea gelului vitros la afecțiuni oculare precum degenerescența maculară. Simptomele miodezopsiilor includ vedere încețoșată și perturbarea percepției culorilor.

Tratamentul miodezopsiilor se concentrează pe terapii laser precum vitreoliză, care elimină sau atenuează punctele negre, oferind o claritate vizuală îmbunătățită. Pentru a preveni apariția miodezopsiilor, este important să se evite obiceiurile nesănătoase, cum ar fi fumatul și expunerea excesivă la lumină solară, și să se efectueze controale oftalmologice regulate.

1. What are myosedias and how do they occur?

Myosidoses, known to the general public as "flying flies" or "floating spots", are small objects that move at the same time as eyeball movements and appear in the visual field of affected individuals.

The vitreous body is a clear, gelatinous substance that fills the largest chamber of the eye, located between the lens and the retina. When we are young, this gel is perfectly transparent. As we age, the vitreous body liquefies. The collagen fibres in the vitreous body change and bind together, forming vitreous opacities perceived by the patient as "flying muslids, floating spots, cloudiness, cobwebs, worms" etc.

In some cases, these visual disturbances affect the individual's quality of life, and vitreolysis is the most effective and minimally invasive solution recommended.

2. What is vitreolysis?

Vitreoliza (îndepărtarea cu laser a miodezopsiilor) este o procedură extrem de eficientă, minim invazivă, care implică utilizarea unui laser YAG nanopulsat pentru a vaporiza flocoanele vitreene ale ochiului. 

Performed with Ellex's Reflex™ technology, this procedure can significantly improve a patient's quality of vision.

Laser vitreolysis is a painless, outpatient procedure that can eliminate visual disturbances caused by floating opacities in the vitreous body. This procedure involves applying pulses of low-energy laser light to dissolve opacities in the vitreous body. During this process, the laser energy evaporates collagen and hyaluronan molecules, forming a gas.

In the case of such an intervention, a session usually lasts between 20-60 minutes. On average, patients need two treatment sessions to achieve a satisfactory result.

The aim of this procedure is to achieve a functional improvement in vision. In this way, patients can resume their daily activities.

4. When is it recommended?

Laser treatment to remove and dissolve vitreous opacities is recommended for patients who:

- Showing symptoms of floating, flying opacities for more than four months

- Cannot carry out their daily activities due to flying opacities affecting their vision

- Shows a decrease in vision quality

- Do not suffer from any other serious ophthalmological conditions (e.g. cataracts, ruptured or detached retina) that would prevent you from seeing the vitreous (the gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina)

Miodezopsiile sunt pete sau puncte negre in campul vizual

5. How long does recovery take and what does it involve?

Recovery time after treatment is short and patients are able to leave the ophthalmologist's office on their own, without the need for an attendant. After such a laser treatment, the ophthalmologist may recommend the use of eye drops and arrange further sessions where necessary.

6. What can I expect after treatment?

You may notice small spots in the visual field immediately after treatment. These gas bubbles will dissolve quickly. Some patients experience slight discomfort, redness or temporary blurred vision.

7. Are there any complications or side effects?

Reported side effects and complications are rare but can occur. These can include cataracts, increased intraocular pressure (IOP) and retinal rupture.

8. Can all vitreous flakes be treated by laser?

Not all flakes can be safely treated with the laser. Approximately 80% are treatable. Some are too close to the retina or lens to be treated with the laser and may require vitrectomy surgery to be treated successfully.

The first step towards eliminating myopia, which prevents normal vision, is to diagnose the condition and determine its severity.

So, if you have one or more symptoms, schedule a consultation now at Prof. Dr. Munteanu Ophthalmological Center!

See well, live well!

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Oftalmologie Timisoara - Doctor oftalmolog Timisoara - Dr. Yasar Servet, Medic primar oftalmolog

Primary Ophthalmologist Dr. Yasar Servet

Dr. Servet Yașar is an expert with more than 15 specialist credentials in the field of ophthalmology, attending courses in countries such as Turkey, Cyprus, Czech Republic and the United States. With over 11 years of experience in ophthalmology, including 8 years spent in Turkey and over-specialization in Vitroretinal Surgery, Dr. Yașar has been with the team of Prof. Dr. Munteanu Ophthalmology Center since 2020. Yașar is experienced in cataract surgery, glaucoma surgery, pterygium surgery and other anterior segment surgery, as well as eyelid aesthetic surgery, botox applications, strabismus surgery and vitreoretinal surgery.

From 30 years with our patients!

Each patient, each diagnosis has brought us closer and closer to performance! The medical team, carefully coordinated by Prof. Dr. Munteanu, is proud to offer the best ophthalmological services.

Dr. Munteanu